IOKI NAU brings a bit of Japan to the heart of Istanbul, with two locations along the Bosphorus, unfolding a story of not just serving meals but crafting experiences. When Ioki team approached us with the idea of creating a
sub-brand for them, we meticulously examined what they need and supported them in wayfinding.
As a result, we decided to keep the original logo intact and form a new identity along with it. Inspired by the
it-word “nau” derived from English “now” an expression recruited by Japanese culture for a while, with a slightly different though, meaning combining both here and now. We have built the new brand identity around this here and now concept. We created a new brand language that reflects the feeling of being present, comfortable and delighted all at once. We started with the additional logotype and chose new brand colours that match the interiors and give the same essence. For brand recognition and nurturing social content we created new visuals and images. We collaborated with Can Mete, an accomplished photographer who expertly captured the essence of IOKI's unique dining experience. Designed all printed materials and a new website additional to other branding elements intended to foster a sense of tranquillity with a homage to tradition and a nod to contemporary tastes. The IOKI NAU universe we created from the initial idea bloomed effortlessly and thrived on the way, expressing itself in a confident but calm attitude across all touch points.
